On the Couch | What makes Capricorn unique?

The fact that the Members have put their faith and their trust into Capricorn and, you know, that is something that's, you know, we don't take for granted.

David Fraser: What do you think makes Capricorn as special as what we all believe it is?

Brad Gannon: I think it's the trust. Those cooperative principles really define the way in which the organisation operates, and they really define the way in which we treat our Members and Suppliers and so they place a great deal of trust in what we do.

Trent Bartlett: I think it's our ability to meet the Members where they are. Value is perception, and you need to understand that value can mean different things to different Members and how you create protect and return it, can mean different things in different time. And so, whether you're helping them in floods or you're helping them get their initial line of credit away or whether you're helping them as a result of an earthquake I think Capricorn has built its franchise on running to be where the Members were. To meet the Members’ need.

David: And for you, Frank?

Frank O'Connor: Communication. Whether it’s in the newsletter, your annual dinners, your conventions.

David: And I think for me personally, it's, we've never lost sight of our purpose. You know why we exist, why we started, and the fact that the Members have put their faith and their trust into Capricorn and, you know, that is something that's, you know, we don't take for granted.