Jeremy Drabsch | Mechanics Near Me | Joined 2023

I didn’t even get a week into it without my mentors in the industry saying, cool, first thing, set up a Capricorn account.

Tianah, Capricorn Queensland Area Manager, has a chat with her Member Jeremy from Mechanics Near Me. Jeremy opened his own business in 2023 and one of the first things he did was sign up to Capricorn as a Member. Tianah talks to him about why this was a priority to him. Jeremy won Capricorn's Rising Stars Apprentice of the Year award in 2019, it is great to see his growth in the industry and we look forward to seeing where it takes him.

"Capricorn has been a part of my mechanical industry journey from start to finish.

When I did decide to go out on my own and start my own business, so I had a couple of mentors in the industry already, and I didn't even get a week into it without them saying, cool, first thing, set up a Capricorn account.

And I honestly, looking back what I know now, I don't know if I would have been able to start without Capricorn. I did it, and we sort of haven't looked back since. There's just so many things I don't need to know now that I have Capricorn. So yeah, I wouldn't do without it and it's been a massive, massive game changer for me."

  • Ward Lye | Century Yuasa Batteries | Joined 1997

    The Members are great people to deal with and, that makes it a lot more fun when you're actually enjoying each other's support

  • Capricorn 50 Years Strong logo with purple background and gold outline

    Capricorn's Story

    Where we are today is a testament not just to the vision of the Original 17 and the hard work of all those who have followed, but to the value Members continue to see in the power of working together.