Interested in becoming a Capricorn Director?

Interested in becoming a Capricorn Director? But not sure what it entails, or how to put your hand up?

To give Capricorn Members an insight into the life of a Capricorn Director, Capricorn has hosted a virtual introduction session to allow current Member Directors Mark Cooper and Lydia Stjepanovic explain how they became a director, and how they have found the experience.

Mark and Lydia discuss why they wanted to become Directors, the commitment it requires, how it differs from running a business, and what they have enjoyed and learnt from the experience.

The 45-minute session is relevant for Members in all zones, including Members who may be interested in becoming a director in a few years. It is particularly relevant to aspiring Member directors from Queensland and Western Australia, as these are the 2022 director election zones.

As Capricorn is looking for energetic and passionate members to join our board of directors, Capricorn is also hosting a governance course on Thursday 28 April 2022. 

This brief introductory program is the ideal ‘primer’ for Members new to governance and/or who want to understand what it would mean to join a board like Capricorn's. Participants may have some experience on a board (such as a school or community board), but this intense short course is also for those who have never served on a board but have an interest in finding out more, potentially as a step towards seeking a director’s role.

A lively presentation style, with real life anecdotes from one of the most experienced governance trainers in the business, and regular breaks through this three-hour online session, ensure that you'll stay fully engaged and gain the maximum value from the program – even if you're not normally used to sitting in a room for several hours on end.

Program aims:

  1. To give you an initial understanding of the purpose and value of governance, and how it’s different from management; the role and main responsibilities of boards and directors; and how an effective board works and makes good decisions.
  2. To highlight the unique features of a company like Capricorn, operating in the co-operative spirit, including role clarity and conflicts of interest, and how to manage the challenges you’ll face.
  3. To give you the knowledge and confidence you need, to bring value to any board you currently sit on; to prepare you for taking on a role as a director, and/or to decide whether or not a governance role is something you want to pursue at this stage in your life and career.

Register for Governance Course here:

This article was published 05/04/2022 and the content is current as at the date of publication.