State of the Nation 2021 Report Now Available

State of the Nation 2021

Over 2,000 Capricorn Members told us what they really think about the automotive industry. Find out what they said and how your business compares.

If you’ve ever wondered how your turnover compares to workshops of a similar size, or whether other businesses are struggling with the same challenges you are, Capricorn’s State of the Nation2021 report is your opportunity to find out.

It’s filled with data, graphs, charts, information and advice, to not only show you how your business measures up, but to help you meet challenges and identify opportunities to grow.

More than 2,000 Members across Australia and New Zealand responded to our 2021 survey, ensuring this second State of the Nation report provides an incredibly useful snapshot of the industry, across all workshop types, throughout both countries.

Let’s start with a breakdown of how our industry looks, according to the survey findings.

SON Region and Age

The average respondent was male, aged 49 and speaks English as the primary language at home. Threequarters of respondents were Australian and a quarter were from New Zealand.

Of those who responded, 88% ran independent workshops, 72% ran mechanical workshops and 70% were the sole decisionmakers in their businesses.

SON Business Type

How big are these workshops?

Across Australia and NZ, the average number of employees is 4.5 and the average number of hoists is 3.2 – up from 2.9 in 2020. Australian workshops see an average of 30.8 vehicles a week, eclipsed by New Zealand (where mandatory warrant inspections may boost the numbers) on 41.8 vehicles per week.

SON Hoists

Capricorn’s State of the Nation 2021 report is now live on CapHub.

Download the full report by clicking here.

Stay tuned on CapHub for a range of bite sized business tips and workshop hacks based on the findings of the State of the Nation 2021 report.

This article was published 23/07/2021 and the content is current as at the date of publication.