Getting a loan so you can invest in the equipment and assets you need to grow and improve your business can be a real pain: you know what you need and the difference it will make to your business, you’ve made the decision to invest, and then you spend ages jumping through hoops to get your finance approved.
It’s stressful, it’s time-consuming, and it’s needlessly frustrating.
As anyone who runs a business knows, the sooner you can get that new asset or piece of capital equipment operational, the faster it can start earning you money. What you need is fast and frictionless access to the funds that can help you transform your business. Capricorn understands that. It’s why we created Capricorn Finance.
The difference between Capricorn Finance and other lenders is simple: we already know you. That means we can assess your application for finance faster. Using your trading history with Capricorn, we can make a lending decision within 24 hours. What’s more, you won’t spend hours filling out forms requesting information we already have about you and your business. Our documentation process is simple, seamless and efficient, so you can get on with running your business.
Another big difference between us and other lenders is we understand the automotive aftermarket and the businesses that operate within it. We recognise the specialist needs of your business, we know your workshop, and we understand how investing in new equipment or assets can help you transform the way you operate and drive up your productivity and profitability.
We offer extremely competitive rates with no set-up fees on specialist equipment which, other mainstream lenders won’t lend for.
What’s more, Capricorn Finance is linked to your Capricorn Rewards Points — so you can earn points even as you borrow to invest in your business. That’s something no other lender can offer you.
To find out more about Capricorn Finance, chat to your Area Manager, call 1800 327 437 or email
This article does not, nor is it intended to, constitute legal, financial or other independent professional advice. Please consult your professional adviser before relying on any information contained herein.
Capricorn Finance offers business equipment finance in Australia and New Zealand through Capricorn Society Limited (ACN 008 347 313/NZBN 9429038593185) and brokers business finance through Capricorn Society Financial Services Pty Ltd (ACN 129 134 667). Fees and charges, terms and conditions, and lending criteria apply. Contact the Capricorn Finance Team at 1800 327 437 in Australia or 0800 401 444 in New Zealand.