Jay Watson | Superior Automotive | Joined 2011

In the 2022 floods, we got completely wiped out. Capricorn went down on the site as soon as the water subsided.

"I'm Jay Watson, proprietor of Superior Automotive. We repair and maintain prestige vehicles in Brisbane. We joined Capricorn in 2011.

When you're buying cars out of Melbourne, Sydney, Western Australia, wherever, if you're a Capricorn member, most of the Suppliers are registered and it's just easy.

In the 2022 floods, we got completely wiped out. Capricorn went down on site as soon as the water subsided. They had it assessed within a week. The whole thing was seamless. 

Yeah. Recommend it."

  • Stephen Rowe | Jarrow Auto Service | Joined 1989

    Probably the best part for me is that the people that walk through the door, you know, your customer base Just to see those people come back year after year and then their families and see their families grow and it's a very family driven business

  • Harry Burgess | Badgingarra Motors | Joined 2017

    All our business is local business. People from in town, local farmers. Probably about 10% of it is off the highway. It's not a lot, but we drop everything and keep the travelers moving.