Lydia: So what are your memories of the industry when you first started your business? And when did you first start your business?
Deyan: Oh my goodness, that is a long time ago. That was 1977 I'm ex-RAF, Royal Australian Air Force, when I left, I opened up my own business and that was, I would have been I think 23 or 24.
Lydia: What do you remember of when you had a young family running a business and us kids came around, what are your memories of that time?
Deyan: Being open seven days a week in those days. Thankfully, your beautiful mother was there to look after all you guys while I was here working and so on. But when you did come in, it was always fun I do remember you as a young, very young girl coming in at one stage saying, one day, dad, I'm going to take over your business. I remember that, and I'm still taking you up on it.
Lydia: But I do remember that in Year 6 we had to write down what we wanted to do when we grow up. And the thing that I wrote down in Year 6 when I was 11 years old was that I wanted to work with my dad in his business. And here we are. Although we don't work together, I did buy one of your businesses.
Deyan: Well, yes.
Lydia: How did you feel when your daughter became a director of Capricorn?
Deyan: Oh, how did I feel? I was so proud.
Lydia: Thanks dad.
Deyan: Are you talking to me as the director or as my daughter?
Lydia: Definitely your daughter.
Deyan: Extremely proud and pleased. And I thought, well, there you go. One step above the old man. At least! Or two, or three. And keep on going, girl.